Scott & Lisa Meadows


Scott is a graduate of Kentucky Christian University. He enjoys wood working and collecting baseball memorabilia. Lisa is a Christian educator and enjoys cross stitching and reading.

Chris Sardler


Chris is available in the church office during the week from 9:00am-noon on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. She enjoys reading, traveling, and being a grandmother to her three Granddaughters. She is married to Tony who is a deputy sheriff.

Praise Team & Instrumentalists

Every Sunday these people bless us with their ability to share music in worship.

Instrumentalist: Jimmy Corder, Lynn Bryant
Praise Team: Patty Beasley, Barbara Berrier, Chris Sardler, Lamyra Haynes, Penny Mullins, Lisa Meadows 

Leadership Team

Our church has a group of men who volunteer to help lead our church.


Johnny Mullins, Chairman, Roy Berrier, Jimmy Corder, Mike Corder, Patrick Frantz, Ralph Gough, Bill Wagoner, Gray Gwyn, Eddie Johnson, Ralph Mueller, Tony Sardler, Morris Little.